Canadian politicians

Stephen Harper Current Prime Minister of Canada. Premier ministre du Canada et chef du Parti conservateur du Canada.
Michaëlle Jean Jean is the current Governor General of Canada. La vingt-septième gouverneure générale du Canada.
Paul Martin Martin was the Prime Minister of Canada and leader of the Liberal Party.Il a été premier ministre du Canada 2003-2006.
Stéphane Dion Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in the Canadian House of Commons
Gilles Duceppe Member of Parliament in the Canadian House of Commons
Jack Layton Since 2003 has been leader of Canada's New Democratic Party
Elizabeth May Current leader of the Green Party of Canada
Ron Gray Minor Canadian federal politician - former leader of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada (CHP) - 1995-2008.
Sinclair Stevens Former Canadian parliamentarian.
Blair Longley Canadian politician and activist.
Maria Minna The canadian politician who represents the Toronto riding of Beaches — East York in the House of Commons for the Liberal Party.
Michael Ignatieff A Canadian historian, politician, leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and Leader of the Official Opposition in Canada.
Alfred Apps Canadian lawyer, businessman and prominent activist in both the Liberal Party of Canada and the Ontario Liberal Party.
Miguel Figueroa Leader of the Communist Party of Canada since 1992.
Jim Hnatiuk Leader of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada since November 2008.
Anna Di Carlo Leader and spokesperson of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada since August 16, 2008. / Dirigeante nationale du Parti marxiste-léniniste du Canada depuis le 16 août 2008.
Sandra L. Smith First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC(M-L) and President of this party. / première secrétaire du Comité central du Parti communiste du Canada et présidente du parti.
Peggy Nash Canadian labour official and politician - since August 2009 President of the NDP. / Femme politique canadienne - depuis août 2009 Présidente du NPD.
Dorian Baxter Anglican minister in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada who uses the music of Elvis Presley in his services.
Canadian political parties

Bloc Québécois Bloc Québécois (BQ) / Bloc québécois (Canada)
Conservative Party of Canada Conservative Party of Canada (Tories) / Parti conservateur du Canada (PCC)
Liberal Party of Canada Liberal Party of Canada / Parti libéral du Canada
Alberta Liberal Party Alberta Liberal Party / Parti libéral de l'Alberta (Alberta Liberal)
Alberta New Democratic Party Alberta New Democratic Party (Alberta NDP) / Nouveau Parti démocratique de l'Alberta
Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta (Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta) / Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta (Association progressiste-conservatrice de l'Alberta)
New Democratic Party of British Columbia New Democratic Party of British Columbia / Nouveau Parti démocratique de la Colombie-Britannique
British Columbia Conservative Party British Columbia Conservative Party / Parti conservateur de la Colombie-Britannique
British Columbia Social Credit Party British Columbia Social Credit Party (Socreds) / Parti Crédit social de la Colombie-Britannique
Radical Marijuana Marijuana Party of Canada (Radical Marijuana) / Parti Marijuana du Canada
Green Party of Canada Green Party of Canada / Parti vert du Canada
Christian Heritage Party Christian Heritage Party of Canada (CHP) / Parti de l'héritage chrétien du Canada
Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada (MLPC) / Parti marxiste-léniniste du Canada (PMLC)
Canadian Action Party Canadian Action Party (CAP) / Parti action canadienne (PAC)
Communist Party of Canada Communist Party of Canada / Parti communiste du Canada
Progressive Canadian Party Progressive Canadian Party / Parti progressiste canadien (Parti PC)
British Columbia Marijuana Party British Columbia Marijuana Party (BCMP) - minor political party in the Canadian province of British Columbia.
New Democratic Party New Democratic Party (NDP) / Nouveau Parti démocratique (NPD) (Canada)
Interesting topics for discussion

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Canada's prime minister Canada's prime minister is ready for your opinion, support and vote. Vote online NOW!

Canadian parties Canadian parties is ready for your opinion, support and vote. Vote online NOW!

Alberta parties (Canada) Alberta parties (Canada) is ready for your opinion, support and vote. Vote online NOW!

B.Columbia parties (Canada) B.Columbia parties (Canada) is ready for your opinion, support and vote. Vote online NOW!

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